Monday, 15 September 2014


Hello! Welcome to my very first blog! And if you are reading this, my very first post!
I am half excited, half nervous about this. Mostly because I am not too familiar with the blogosphere and how things work in there. But hey, we've got nothing to lose except our clothes, so let's just close our eyes and jump right in on. Once you're in with me, open your eyes, read, laugh, cry, disagree, agree, wherever this ends up, we will have fun getting there.

I am a first year Creative Communications student at Red River College or a CreComm as we like to be called. So far, the program is enjoyable and the workload not too overwhelming, the second years and grads that I have spoken to have cautioned me- be prepared not to sleep, to cry, and to hate your life soon enough. Seems intimidating, makes my legs shake a little, but if it were easy, everyone would do it, right?

Anyways, onto the meat and potatoes of this first post. Why you are here? What made you come here? My blog- Krazy Kat Man. Why would a 28 year old blog about cats you ask? Well I like cats, in particular, black cats, furthermore, MY black cats. Your second question, why the K's, crazy and cat are spelt with C's not K's dummy. Well I believe, this is how they would spell Crazy and Cat, with a K.

This blog will mostly involve posts about my two black beauties, Pancakes and Meisha..Their day-to-day life, aspects of their lives, anecdotes, pictures...but may also include topics/posts unrelated to them such as other class assignments/projects

Pictures of both Pancakes and Meish will be uploaded soon!

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